Write to Jeffrey Leerink
Jeffrey Leerink is a key investor and developer driving the massive proposed private luxury jet hangar expansion at Massport-owned Hanscom Field (Note: this has nothing to do with Hanscom Air Force Base). Help us put the pressure on Leerink to drop his expansion plans by following the steps below.
Background on Leerink
Jeffrey Leerink is a key player with two private companies that, in collaboration with Massport, are driving the 50-acre proposed North Airfield expansion plan: Runway Realty Ventures, LLC, and North Airfield Ventures, LLC. Jeffrey Leerink’s name has been linked in the news to the March SVB (Silicon Valley Bank) crash and his later rise out of those ashes. Leerink oversees a private investment bank, Leerink Partners, that merged with and then was divested by the new defunct Silicon Valley Bank.
A 7/17/23 Boston Globe story hailed Leerink as Greater Boston’s Public Health and Life Sciences giant and quoted him saying:
“We founded the firm with the belief that we could become a dominant investment bank in life sciences…and that a specialized firm in healthcare can make a difference to patients.”
How to Email Jeffrey Leerink
Emails to Jeffrey Leerink can only be sent via an online email form on his website (rather than to an email address). The instructions below will help you navigate between Leerink’s online form and your email program.
Open your email program to write an email to Jeffrey Leerink.
Build an email using key points from the toolkit below and create a subject line.
While keeping your email program open, click here to open Jeffrey Leerink’s online email form.
Provide your name and contact information. For the “Company” section, feel free to write: Private Citizen, Concerned Mass Resident, or similar.
Paste in your subject line and email. See sample subject lines below in the toolkit below before you hit submit.
We would love to see your email, which you can copy & paste and send to and let us know if we can post it on our website. When emailing us, please include your name, town/city, and state. Please do not CC us.
How to Write & Mail to Jeffrey Leerink
To reach Leerink’s attention by several means, please ALSO send your message to him by snail mail.
If typing your letter, copy & paste your email message to Leerink into a Word (or comparable) doc & print. You can also handwrite your letter! To write your letter, use the sample building blocks and talking points from the toolkit below.
Mail your letter to:
Jeffrey Leerink
53 State Street, 40th Floor
Boston, MA 02109Mail it out! We encourage you to both email & mail your message to Leerink.
Please send us a copy of your letter via an attachment (or just copy & paste it into an email) and send it with your name, town/city and state to and let us know if we can post it on our website!
Posting letters & emails to Leerink on our website will help broadcast our messages beyond the seclusion of Leerink’s email account and office.
Toolkit for Building your Email/Letter - Here are your building blocks.
Overview of what your message is trying to achieve:
challenge Leerink’s reputation as Greater Boston’s Public Health and Life Sciences champion
call on Leerink to cancel his reckless expansion plans for the super-rich at the detriment of our fragile climate and public health – it’s a luxury our climate can’t afford
urge Leerink to do the right thing: cancel his expansion plans and use his property for a public health or life sciences investment—and not just pull out or flip it to another buyer
Subject: Write your own subject – samples below:
Cancel your super-emitting private jet expansion plans
Stop your private jet Hanscom expansion plans
Uphold your public health legacy & stop your Hanscom private jet expansion
Don’t crash your biotech reputation with your Hanscom private jet hangar plans
Your super-emitting secret is out: don’t risk your life sciences legacy
Public health or Climate Catastrophe: Your Choice
Dear Jeffrey Leerink
Paragraph 1 - Introduce Yourself
I am a concerned parent who cares about the climate and the future of all children.
I am a concerned citizen and member of Mothers Out Front in (your town/city) – or another organization/
I am a grandparent with deep concern for future generations.
Paragraph 2: Acknowledge Leerink’s reputation for investments in Public Health, Life Sciences & Biotech
You have built a reputation for supporting and advancing public health [or Life Sciences or Biotech]
In the Greater Boston area, you are heralded for your investments in Public Health [or Life Sciences or Biotech]
We applaud you for your investments and contributions to Public Health [or Life Sciences or Biotech]
See this article about him for more on his reputation: 7/17/23 Boston Globe story
Paragraph 3: Explain your concerns by using 1 or more of the points below, or ideas from protest statements.
Please focus your concerns on the climate impacts of the private jet expansion.
I am writing to assert/point out/bring to your attention that your plans to build 17-27 private jet hangars on 50-acres at Hanscom Field are antithetical to/would undermine/threaten your reputation as a Public Health and Life Sciences investor.
Are you aware that:
Private jets are the most polluting form of travel per passenger for their carbon footprint?
Your proposed plans would be directly responsible for cancelling over 50% of the climate gains from solar PV ever installed in Massachusetts?
Your proposal to dramatically increase private jet capacity by 17-27 hangars will have devastating impacts on our Commonwealth’s efforts to stabilize the Climate?
Your expansion plans go against everything we are working for in Massachusetts and threatens our ability to meet our climate goals.
ALL sectors are being called upon to reduce their carbon footprints drastically and immediately?–this means drastic cuts in aviation emissions, not just reducing emissions from buildings?
Massport is greenwashing your plans by claiming, without support, that a build-out of 50 acres of private jet capacity for 17-27 hangars will reduce GHG emissions?
Surely you’re aware of studies that document that when highways are widened to reduce congestion, more congestion results. The same applies to your plans: build it and they will come.
When your collaborator, Massport, claims it will achieve Net Zero emissions by 2031, they base this misleading claim only on reduction in building emissions – with NO Inclusion of aviation GHG emissions whatsoever.
Private jet travel is a privilege for the few at the expense of the many. Eighty percent of the world's population has never been on even a commercial plane, yet they bear the brunt of climate change. This is what your proposal would be perpetuating.
Alternate tack:
Private jet expansion is not a health investment
Private jet emissions harm our health
Don’t build new private jet hangars in a climate emergency
Choose your legacy: Public Health or Climate Catastrophe
Why should you and Massport be allowed to expand infrastructure at Hanscom for the most polluting form of travel, while the rest of Massachusetts is working arduously to reduce its carbon emissions to help get the Climate Crisis under control?
It’s the height of outrage and insanity for you and Massport to be expanding your carbon footprint with plans for super-polluting private jets when towns and cities across Massachusetts are struggling to reduce theirs.
Why should private luxury travel for a few be allowed to expand in the midst of a climate emergency?
It’s irrelevant whether you build 27 or 17 new hangars; an expansion of ANY size will further undercut Mass climate gains.
Paragraph 4: End with a clear ask
call on Leerink to cancel his reckless expansion plans for the super-rich at the detriment of our fragile climate and public health – it’s a luxury our climate can’t afford
urge Leerink to do the right thing:
cancel his expansion plans
use his property for an investment in something he can continue to be proud of: public health, life sciences, and biotech
don’t just pull out or flip it to another buyer who’ll pursue the expansion
Name and town/city
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