About Hanscom Field
About Hanscom Field
Facts about Hanscom Field
Hanscom Field vs Hanscom Air Force Base
They share the same name and history and abut each other, but today Hanscom Field and Hanscom Air Force Base (HAFB) are separate and distinct.
Hanscom Field is a General Aviation (GA) airport owned by Massport. Hanscom Air Force Base has no aviation activity or runway. AF active flying ended in September, 1973. Occasional military flights use Massport’s runway at the civil airport.
Hanscom is the largest general aviation (GA) airport in New England, and a reliever for Logan Airport.
Hanscom is the busiest private jet airport in New England.
Hanscom was the 20th busiest private jet airport in the nation in 2021.
Massport owns Logan and Worcester Airports, in addition to Hanscom Field.
Massport pays no property taxes to the four towns in which it is located: Bedford, Concord, Lexington and Lincoln
There are no sales taxes on private business and luxury jets, or their parts or upgrades.