SPJE Statewide Coalition
100+ Members of the Coalition to Stop Private Jet Expansion at Hanscom or Anywhere (SPJE)
This list is constantly updating, so be sure to check back frequently!
Interested in adding your organization to our growing coalition? Email info@stopprivatejetexpansion.org
350 Mass
Association of Massachusetts Bird Clubs
Creation Care Justice Network in the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts
Elders Climate Action Mass. Chapter
Mass Power Forward
Massachusetts Climate Action Network
Mothers Out Front Massachusetts
No Fracked Gas in Massachusetts
Our Revolution Massachusetts
Sierra Club Massachusetts Chapter
Third Act Massachusetts
UU Mass Action
350 Mass Cambridge-Somerville
350 Mass Metro West
350 Mass Metro North
350 Mass Newton Node
350 Mass North Shore Node
Airport Impact Relief, Inc, East Boston
Bedford Embraces Diversity
Berkshire Environmental Action Team, BEAT
Breathe Clean North Shore
Cape Anne Climate Coalition OC
Calvary Church Arlington Missions Team
Center for Biological Diversity
Chelmsford Climate Action Team, CCAT
Church of the Good Shepherd Acton Creation Care Team
Climate Action Brookline
Climate Code Blue, Somerville
Climate Action Network: Andover WECAN
Climate Action Network: ConcordCAN
Climate Action Network: LexCAN
Climate Action Now Western Mass
Climate Reality Project, Boston Metrowest
Cornell on Fire, NY
DTC: Acton Democratic Town Committee
DTC: Arlington Democratic Town Committee
DTC: Bedford Democratic Town Committee
DTC: Carlisle Democratic Town Committee
DTC: Concord Democratic Town Committee
DTC: Lexington Democratic Town Committee
DTC: Lincoln Democratic Town Committee
DTC: Littleton Democratic Town Committee
DTC: Sudbury Democratic Town Committee
DCC: Waltham Democratic City Committee
DTC: Wayland Democratic Town Committee
Enviro Show
Extinction Rebellion Boston (XR)
Extinction Rebellion Western Mass (XR)
First Parish in Bedford
First Parish UU Climate Action Team, Lexington, MA
First Parish in Concord Environmental Team
First Religious Society in Carlisle Environmental Action Committee (FRS EAC)
Friends of Woodlands and Waters
Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station (FRRACS)
Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility
Green Maynard
Hartwell Farms Homeowners Association
Indivisible: Concord Indivisible
Indivisible: IndivisibleLAB
Institute of Policy Studies, Program on Inequality
LWV: Bedford League of Women Voters
LWV: Concord-Carlisle LWV
LWV: Lexington League of Women Voters
LWV: Salem
Lexington Public Schools Green Teams
MetroWest Climate Solutions
Mothers Out Front - Acton
Mothers Out Front - Arlington
Mothers Out Front - Bedford
Mothers Out Front - Brookline
Mothers Out Front - Concord
Mothers Out Front - East Boston
Mothers Out Front - Jamaica Plain
Mothers Out Front - Lincoln
Mothers Out Front - Newton
Mothers Out Front - Northampton
Mothers Out Front - Somerville
Mothers Out Front - Tompkins, NY
Mothers Out Front - Winthrop
North Parish of North Andover Unitarian Universalist
Our Revolution Concord Area
Our Revolution MetroWest
People’s Action for Clean Energy (PACE)
Quiet Communities
Restore the North Woods
Salem Alliance For The Environment (SAFE)
Safeguarding the Historic Hanscom Area’s Irreplaceable Resources (ShhAir)
Save Our Heritage
Social Justice Commission of Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts
St. Anne’s Lincoln Climate Justice Ministry
St. Mark’s Burlington Green Team
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church/Bedford Green Team
Sustainable Arlington
Sustainable Marblehead
The Thoreau Society
Third Act of Bedford
Walden Woods Project
Wendell State Forest Alliance