MEPA Environmental Review
MEPA Environmental Review
(Office of MA Environmental Policy Act)
The MEPA (Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act Office) review process engages the public in assessing the environmental impacts of projects requiring state actions. It mandates state agencies to evaluate and address potential harm through avoidance, minimization, and mitigation strategies. This process is a fact-finding endeavor and not a permitting process.
1. ENF (Environmental Notification Form) – Project Description
1/17/23 Developers File ENF
2/6/23 MEPA Public Meetings regarding ENF
2/14/23 Public Comment Period for ENF Closes - Over 350 Comments Submitted - Key Comments from:
2. DEIR (Draft Environmental Impact Report)
2/24/23 Scope for DEIR from EEA Secretary Rebecca Tepper to developers released
Scope Only (29 pp)
Scope and Public Comments (c. 700 pp)
3/15/24 DEIR (Draft Environmental Impact Report) filed by developers to EEA Sec Tepper/MEPA, published by MEPA on 3/22/24
6/14/24 Public Comment Period for DEIR Closes - 1,773 Comments Submitted - Key Comments from:
6/21/24 EEA Secretary Rebecca Tepper Rejects Developers’ DEIR in Certificate and Provides Scope for SDEIR
Note: Tepper’s response: pages 1-53; additional pages include key public comments
3. SDEIR (Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Report) - In Process, submission date unknown
On June 21, Rebecca Tepper the Secretary of Massachusetts' Energy and Environmental Affairs office, released a certificate that says, "I have reviewed the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and hereby determine that it does not adequately and properly comply with MEPA and its implementing regulations." The report demands that developers prepare a Supplemental DEIR (SDEIR) with additional analysis, including a supplemental analysis of the project’s potential effects on aviation activity, consideration of additional project alternatives, and consideration of mitigation measures."
4. FEIR (Final Environmental Impact Report) - TBD
Preliminary Filing
MEPA Documents
The developers file required reports as part of the MEPA state environmental review process: