On 12/7/23 we told Jeffrey Leerink:
Time to decide your legacy!
Public Health or Climate Catastrophe?
Jeffrey Leerink is a principal investor driving the proposed private luxury jet hangar expansion at Massport-owned Hanscom Field
(not Hanscom Air Force Base).
In the News
Climate activists protest at office of Hanscom developer ∙ CommonWealth Magazine ∙ Bhaamati Borkhetaria ∙ 12/7/2023
“The world is facing a climate emergency, an existential crisis caused by the human burning of fossil fuels. People are dying from extreme heat, floods, and famine. We are therefore calling on Jeffrey Leerink and his associates to cancel the North Airfield Project.”
Paul Shorb - Full statement here.
“While the rest of the Commonwealth’s government, cities and towns have committed to lowering emissions to Net Zero by 2050, Massport is defiantly pulling in the opposite direction! The time has come to amend Massport’s 70 year-old charter to compel them to work for climate protection.”
Elisse Ghitelman - Full statement here.
“Step up to this challenge now and cancel your private jet expansion project. Find a better use for your wealth and the property. Jeffrey Leerink, you built a legacy investing in healthcare and life sciences. Don’t destroy it by investing in catastrophic climate change.”
Nathan Philips - Full statement here.
“Expanding private jet travel on a warming planet is inconsistent with the health and well-being of present and future generations of life on this planet. Jeffrey Leerink, you built a legacy investing in healthcare and life sciences. Don’t destroy it by investing in catastrophic climate change.”
Tica de Moor - Full statement here.
“Please set an example by swearing off private jet travel and by working to convince your wealthy friends to do the same. You would not be alone. Stephen Prince, an American multi-millionaire and gift-card magnate, is selling his private jet after learning how polluting it is.”
Andy Platt & Cathay Hoffman - Full statement here.
Protest Statements to Leerink
“The convenience and luxury of the privileged few flyers who can afford the cost are prioritized over the health and safety of the many. Around the world, the poorest, most vulnerable people on Earth are exposed to deadly heat and floods and sometimes even forced to migrate from their homelands.”
Chuck Collins - Full statement here.
“Given your deep love of the ocean, and your commitment to future generations of children, we wonder how you can reconcile those values with the plans you are making to build new hangars for private jets at Hanscom. Carbon dioxide is terrible for the health of oceans, causing rising acidity that harms marine life.”
Alex Chatfield - Full statement here.