Private Jets & Their Impacts -STUDIES and NEWS STORIES
Below you’ll find:
Studies Specific to Hanscom Field
Key Private Jet Studies
Additional Studies About Private Jets
News Stories About Private Jets
Hanscom Field STUDIES
Note: The following pertains to Hanscom Field civilian airport, not Hanscom Air Force Base which is a non-flying base
4/4/24 Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact of Proposed Expansion of Hangar Capacity at Hanscom Field ∙
Industrial Economics Inc.
10/2/23 Hanscom High Flyers: Private Jet Excess Doesn’t Justify Airport Expansion ∙ Institute for Policy Studies
News stories about this report:
Nearly half of private flights from Hanscom last less than an hour, study shows ∙ WBUR ∙ 10/2/2023 ∙ Andrea Perdomo-Hernandez
Billionaires are responsible for large amounts of climate pollution from Hanscom, a new report finds ∙ Boston Globe ∙ 10/3/23 ∙ David Abel
Key Private Jet STUDIES
11/7/24 Private aviation is making a growing contribution to climate change∙ Nature Communications Earth & Environment
News stories about the report:
Falcons users emit 500 times more CO2 per year into the atmosphere than the average citizen ∙ El Mundo ∙ Ricardo F. Colmenero
‘Used like taxis’: Soaring private jet flights drive up climate-heating emissions ∙ The Guardian ∙ Damian Carrington
Private jet carbon emissions soar 46%: Study ∙
Ultra-rich using jets like taxis, climate scientists warn ∙ BBC ∙ Georgina Rannard
Carbon pollution from high-flying rich in private jets soars ∙ PBS ∙ Seth Borenstein
Emissions from private jets are skyrocketing. Monitoring them is about to get much harder ∙ LA Times ∙ Noah Haggerty
Carbon Pollution From Private Jets Has Increased 46% ∙ Newsweek ∙ Matthew Impelli
10/28/24 Carbon Inequality Kills: Why curbing the excessive emissions of an elite few can create a sustainable planet for all ∙ Oxfam Policy & Practice
News story about the report: "Billionaires Spew More CO2 Pollution in 90 Minutes Than Average Person in a Lifetime” ∙ CommonDreams ∙ Jessica Corbett ∙ 10/28/2024
5/14/24 Greenwashing the Skies: How the Private Jet Lobby Uses “Sustainable Aviation Fuels” as a Marketing Ploy ∙ Institute for Policy Studies
Summary Report, 5/14/24
News story about the report: ‘Magical thinking’: hopes for sustainable jet fuel not realistic, report finds ∙ The Guardian ∙ Oliver Milman ∙ 5/14/2024
5/31/23 High Flyers 2023: How Ultra-Rich Private Jet Travel Costs the Rest of Us and Burns Up Our Planet ∙ Institute for Policy Studies
Summary Report, 5/31/23
News story about the report: 'Private jet travel by billionaires and the ultra-wealthy imposes a tremendous cost on the rest of us' ∙ Federal Newswire Report ∙ 5/6/2023
ADDITIONAL STUDIES about Private Jets & their Impacts
Carbon Inequality Kills: Why curbing the excessive emissions of an elite few can create a sustainable planet for all ∙ Oxfam Policy & Practice ∙ 10/28/24 ∙ Alestig et al.
News story about the report: Billionaires Spew More CO2 Pollution In 90 Minutes Than Average Person In A Lifetime ∙ The Real News Network ∙ 10/28/24
CO2 emissions of private aviation in Europe ∙ CE Delft ∙ 3/31/2023 ∙ Jasper Faber & Sander Raphaël
Private jets: can the super-rich supercharge zero-emission aviation? In-house analysis by Transport & Environment (44 pgs) ∙ IEA ∙ 2/22/2023 ∙ Laura Cozzi et. al.
News story about the report: The world’s top 1% of emitters produce over 1000 times more CO2 than the bottom 1% ∙ IEA ∙ 2/22/2023 ∙ Laura Cozzi et. al.
Private jet emissions quadrupled during 2022 World Economic Forum ∙ Greenpeace ∙ 1/13/2023
Environmental Footprint of Private and Business Jets ∙ Engineering Proceedings ∙ 12/21/2022 ∙ Junzi Sun, Xavier Olive, & Martin Strohmeier
Ten Ways Billionaires Avoid Taxes on an Epic Scale ∙ ProPublica ∙ 6/24/2022 ∙ Paul Kiel
Issue Brief | The Growth in Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Commercial Aviation (2019, revised 2022) ∙ Environmental and Energy Study Institute ∙ 6/9/2022 ∙ Jeff Overton
Private jets: can the super-rich supercharge zero-emission aviation? ∙ Transport & Environment ∙ 5/27/2021
Number of passengers per private jet flights 2016-2019 ∙ Statista ∙ 4/30/2021 ∙ Erick Burgueño Salas
The global scale, distribution and growth of aviation: Implications for climate change ∙ Elsevier via Science Direct ∙ 11/1/2020 ∙ Stefan Gössling & Andreas Humpe
Top 50 countries by number of business jets registered ∙ Corporate Jet Investor ∙ 2/11/2014
Corporate Jet Set: Leisure vs. Business ∙ Wall Street Journal ∙ 6/16/2011 ∙ Mark Maremont & Tom McGinty
NEWS STORIES about Private Jets & their Impacts
Luxury airline for dogs set for maiden flight ∙ ABC News ∙ 5/22/2024
‘A tiny drop in a fossil fuel ocean’: Climate campaigners slam first 100% green fuelled flight ∙ Euronews ∙ Lottie Limb ∙ 11/28/2023
Hanscom expansion faces more opposition ∙ 10/16/2023 ∙ Anne O’Connor
Climate activists target jets, yachts and golf in a string of global protests against luxury ∙ Associated Press ∙ 8/28/2023 ∙ David Brunat
The richest Americans account for 40 percent of U.S. climate emissions ∙ Washington Post ∙ 8/17/2023 ∙ Kasha Patel
Private jets are awful for the climate. It’s time to tax the rich who fly in them ∙ The Guardian ∙ 8/10/2023 ∙ Ed Markey
New York Activists Descend on the Hamptons to Protest the Super Rich Fueling the Climate Crisis ∙ Inside Climate News ∙ 8/5/2023 ∙ Keerti Gopal
Why Not Tax Private Jets Out of Existence? ∙ Inside Climate News ∙ 7/31/2023 ∙ Chuck Collins
Disney heiress arrested protesting private plane greenhouse gas emissions in Hamptons ∙ New York Post ∙ 7/15/2023 ∙ Patrick Reilly
Private Jet Travel Is Booming. And Shameful. And We’re All Paying for It ∙ The New York Times ∙ 7/24/2023 ∙ Farhad Manjoo
They pollute. You pay (literally) ∙ Heated World ∙ 7/20/2023 ∙ Emily Atkin & Arielle Samuelson
'Time to Ground These Fat Cats': Markey Proposes Tax Hike on Private Jet Travel ∙ Common Dreams ∙ 7/19/2023 ∙ Jake Johnson
He’s a millionaire with a private jet. But now he’s selling it for the sake of the environment ∙ CNN ∙ 7/13/2023 ∙ Jacopo Prisco
How Bad Are Private Jets For The Environment? ∙ Simple Flying ∙ 7/5/2023 ∙ Channing Reid
To Save the Planet, Should We Really Be Moving Slower? ∙ New Yorker ∙ 7/5/2023 ∙ Bill McKibben
Create a Congressional Climate Tribunal to investigate corporate deniers ∙ The Hill ∙ 6/6/2023 ∙ Chuck Collins
This Dubai hotel is offering $14,000-an-hour parties in sky ∙ Bloomberg ∙ 6/1/2023 ∙ Lisa Fleisher
In a climate crisis, public impact of private jets is too great ∙ Boston Globe ∙ 5/28/2023 ∙ Various Authors
Hanscom Hangar Expansion Flies Into Opposition ∙ Aviation International News ∙ 5/24/2023 ∙ Gordon Gilbert
France bans short-haul flights to cut carbon emissions ∙ BBC News ∙ 5/23/2023
Plan to expand hangar space for private jets at Hanscom sparks concerns about a surge in climate pollution ∙ Boston Globe ∙ 5/20/2023 ∙ David Abel
Private Jets Are Dirty Luxuries for the Ultra Rich. Let’s Tax Them. ∙ In These Times ∙ 5/9/2023 ∙ Kalena Thomhave & Omar Ocampo
They pollute. You pay (literally). ∙ Heated∙ 5/2/2023 ∙ Emily Atkin & Arielle Samuelson
Here's How the 'Jet-Owning Oligarchy' Harms Both Planet and Workers ∙ Common Dreams ∙ 5/1/2023 ∙ Kenny Stancil
Private jet sales likely to reach highest ever level this year, report says ∙ The Guardian ∙ 5/1/2023 ∙ Fiona Harvey
A Massachusetts Town Leads a Way Out of the Housing Crisis ∙ New Yorker ∙ 4/19/2023 ∙ Bill McKibben
Private Planes and Luxury Yachts Aren’t Just Toys for the Ultrawealthy. They’re Also Huge Tax Breaks ∙ ProPublica ∙ 4/5/2023 ∙ Paul Kiel
The Superyachts of Billionaires Are Starting to Look a Lot Like Theft ∙ New York Times ∙ 4/10/2023 ∙ Joe Fassler
Amsterdam Schiphol Airport proposes a ban on private jets ∙ CNN ∙ 4/4/2023 ∙ Francesca Street
Green flights not in easy reach, warn scientists ∙ BBC News ∙ 2/28/2023 ∙ Georgina Rannard
Meet the Teenage Private Jet Detective ∙ New York Times ∙ 2/14/2023 ∙ Manuela Andreoni
Flying shame: the scandalous rise of private jets ∙ The Guardian ∙ 1/26/2023 ∙ Emine Saner
Greta Thunberg 'shuts down UK airport' demanding private jets be made ILLEGAL as she joins Extinction Rebellion protest ∙ GB News ∙ Dimitris Kouimtsidis ∙ 1/27/2023
Private jet emissions quadrupled during 2022 World Economic Forum ∙ Greenpeace ∙ 1/13/2023 ∙ Greenpeace European Unit
Time to tax polluting private jets ∙ Campagin for Better Transport ∙ 1/5/2023 ∙ Norman Baker
Calls for Taxing Private Jets of the Superrich Are Getting Louder ∙ Treehugger ∙ 1/5/2023 ∙ Lloyd Alter
Demand for Private Jets Rises, Despite Inflation and Higher Fuel Prices ∙ Robb Report ∙ 10/17/2022 ∙ Michael Verdon
Celebrities use private jets excessively. It’s a climate nightmare. ∙ Washington Post ∙ 8/2/2022 ∙ Allyson Chiu
Missing from COP26: Lifestyle choices of middle-class and rich consumers ∙ Brookings ∙ 11/23/2021 ∙ Homi Kharas
Private jets: can the super-rich supercharge zero-emission aviation? ∙ Transport and Environment ∙ 5/27/2021
Super-rich fuelling growing demand for private jets, report finds ∙ The Guardian ∙ 5/27/2021 ∙ Rupert Neate
Corporate Jet Set: Leisure vs. Business ∙ Wall Street Journal ∙ 6/16/2011 ∙ Mark Maremont & Tom McGinty