10/8/24 Action Alert

Please email your state legislators NOW - critical next steps for MA Climate bill & Massport Charter Update

Enclosed you’ll find:

  • Action Alert:  Please email your state legislators NOW! - critical next steps for Climate bill & Massport Charter Update 
  • Updates & Recent Highlights
  • Upcoming Events

ACTION: Email your state legislators NOW to ensure critical next steps for MA Climate Bill & Massport Charter Update!

As MA legislators are shaping next steps for a Climate bill during this new legislative session, please --


Email your State Senator AND State Representative SOON urging them to support a robust, comprehensive climate bill, inclusive of a Massport Charter Update.


Ask them to oppose the siting and permitting provisions only that have been piggy-backed onto the close-out spending bill by the Governor– a fast-tracked approach preferred by the utilities.


It is critical that provisions in the MA climate legislation be addressed as a cohesive whole – not split up between a climate bill and a spending bill, which would spell disaster for effective, meaningful climate legislation. 


It is of special importance to our SPJE campaign that a Massport Charter Update be included in the bill, as it would update the 1956 Massport Charter to align with current MA climate priorities.


Your emails will help shape and ensure these outcomes – so please take this action right away!



If you know that your state senator is supportive of the Massport Charter Update, please let us know who they are by sending us a SEPARATE email at: 


Updates & Recent Highlights:


  • 9/19/24 SPJE Webinar “What We’ve Achieved Together & What’s Next”: Great success! Over 245 people attended from 49 towns and cities in MA, and 5 additional states! If you missed it on Sept 19th, you can see it here:  Recording of the Webinar.

Upcoming Events:

1) Sat, October 19, 2024  12:15pm – 1:30pm, Long Wharf, Boston

It’s High Tide & High Time for Climate Action: Wear your tall rubber boots or old shoes and be prepared to stand in the water at the next Wicked High King Tide (highest tide in Oct in Boston).

  • Purpose of event: To experience first hand sea level rise caused by climate   change & discuss the need for our MA legislators to pass a comprehensive climate bill.
  • Please sign up here


2) Sat. October 26, 2024 10:00AM - 1:00PM

A Walden Woods Walk to Stop Private Jet Expansion at Hanscom or Anywhere Rain or shine! Learn more and register here


The SPJE Team


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