Getting Massport Charter Update passed into law
As you know, the MA Climate bill stalled on 7/31/24 when legislators failed to meet their deadline -- and with it, the Massport Charter Update was stalled as well. While legislative action on it this year has not been completely ruled out yet, it is more likely that the Massport Charter Update will be taken up again early next year. The good news is that it received approval from both the Senate and the House - which bodes well for its passage when the legislature looks at it again.
Thank you to the many of you who sent emails to your Senators and Representatives thanking them for supporting this provision!!
Developers’ Supplemental DEIR (Draft Environmental Impact Report)
On 6/21/24, EEA Secretary Tepper issued a Certificate rejecting the developers’ DEIR based on her determination that “it does not adequately and properly comply with MEPA and its implementing regulations” and citing three things that we collectively contributed to this outcome – all on the Certificate’s first page:
- approximately 1,500 comment letters (the actual count was 1,773!) – which you helped generate!
- 13,000 petition signatures (the actual count was over 13,500) – which you helped gather!
- The independent study conducted by Industrial Economics Inc which your donations helped fund, and which refuted the DEIR’s implausible claims that this massive expansion would result in decreased operations, decreased ferry flights and decreased greenhouse gas emissions.
Secretary Tepper’s Certificate included about 50 pages of instructions on additional information that the developers will have to produce in a Supplemental Draft Environmental Report (SDEIR), so we assume that it will take them some time to comply with her requests.
When the SDEIR does get filed, we’ll need to fight it as hard as we did the first DEIR. As we learn more, we’ll keep you posted.
In the meantime, be sure to browse the cogent and powerful public comments by government officials, organizational allies and individuals, and in particular, these: