July 12th 2024

By 7/15: Tell Your Rep to Support Crucial Changes in Massport Charter!

Dear Friend,


 TAKE THIS ACTION – by Monday, 7/15


If you didn’t have a chance to take this pivotal action last week,
please do so now!

Tell Your State Representative to
Support Changes to Massport Charter

Call or email your State Representative - find their contact info here



On June 25th, the MA Senate approved S2829 the important Omnibus Climate Bill that many of you have been working on.


Sections 82 and 83 in the bill specifically refer to Massport and provide crucial provisions relating to the Massport 1956 Enabling Act (their charter). These provisions would update and bring the 1956 Massport charter into alignment with state climate goals and policies and require Massport activities to reflect these priorities.

Without these provisions, Massport will continue to operate on the outdated and dangerous 
assumption that aviation can grow endlessly, regardless of the climate emergency. (FYI:  Massport owns Hanscom, Logan and Worcester airports.)


To get these provisions passed into law, it's essential that they are included in the House bill.


Currently, the House is expected to release its climate bill today or on Monday (7/12 or 7/15). 

all or email your State Representative - find your state representative’s contact info herePlease take this quick and crucial action today or over the weekend– no matter where you live in Massachusetts!


Urge your State Rep to do all she/he can do to ensure that the Massport provisions are retained in the House climate bill (in the Senate bill, these provisions are in Sections 82 & 83). 


  • By Phone
    State your name, address and town/city and that you are calling about the House Climate bill. Urge your representative to ensure that Sections 82 & 83 in S2829 (Senate climate bill) be retained in the House version because these provisions would bring the Massport 1956 Enabling Act into alignment with current MA climate goals and policies.

    Emphasize that in the absence of these provisions, Massport will continue to operate on the outdated and dangerous assumption that aviation can grow operations and carbon emissions endlessly, regardless of the climate crisis and MA efforts to decarbonize.

  • By Email
    Click here for the easy email template


Find your state representative’s contact info here and call or email them today!


Thank you for your continued support! We are making a difference, as the recent rejection of the Hanscom developers’ DEIR demonstrates, and this legislation will be key to winning this fight!


The SPJE Team


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