Fri, March 15th by 5 PM*: Developers are expected to file their DEIR
Fri, March 22nd: DEIR will be made publicly available on MEPA’s website in the Environmental Monitor
*This date is not firm, so check our website often for updates.
Last year over 350 public comments were submitted to MEPA within 3 weeks re: the developers’ first report (ENF). This time around we want to double that! Numbers matter - Governor Healey and our legislators will be watching our responses.
4/27/24, 9-1: Earth-Friendly Fair, Natick Town Commons, sponsored by
4/2/24 Mothers Out Front Statewide Climate Action Call
Learn about the proposed private jet hangar expansion plans at Hanscom’s Civil Airport, the climate impact, and what we’ve learned from the developers as part of the state environmental review process. We will share key points from the Draft Environmental Impact Review (DEIR) and how we can respond during the public comment period to oppose private jet expansion at Hanscom or Anywhere. The Governor and legislators will be watching closely to gauge public opposition, so let’s send a strong message for climate justice and the future of our children. Register Here
Mothers Out Front members raise the alarm
Please Donate!
This ever-growing coalition depends on ever-growing donations to succeed! Please give generously to help provide the resources needed for winning this David vs. Goliath fight.