Plans for a massive hangar build-out for private luxury jets at Massport’s Hanscom Field are already underway.

The largest single development in Hanscom’s history.

  • The Propsal.

    Massport already has plans underway to develop 500,000 square feet of hangar space on 49 acres of land to create an additional 27 private jet hangars at Hanscom Field. With 2 to 3 private jets per hangar, this act would triple the current private jet capacity at Hanscom, drastically increasing CO2 emissions and negatively affecting all surrounding communities.

    Learn more about Massport’s damaging Hanscom Expansion proposal.

  • The Impacts.

    Our climate is in crisis. Private jet travel is the single most environmentally damaging mode of transportation. A plan to triple the private jet capacity at Hanscom – or any other airport – is not an option. Impacting the surrounding historic and natural resources of local, state, and national significance as well as drastically increasing CO2 emissions is not an option.

    Learn more about the devastating climate impacts of Massport’s expansion plan.

  • The Fight.

    Over 1,000 petition signers in one week's time. Over 350 public comments submitted. Use your voice to protect our climate by joining our movement to stop the planned Hanscom Field Expansion. We know it can be done if we speak up, shirt up, mobilize and work together.

    Learn more about how to get involved to stop the Hanscom emissions expansion.

Growing Hanscom Field is a very poor economic decision for the future.

No economic analysis shows that the current or potential expansion of Hanscom Field is good for the local, State, or National economy.

The economic studies done by Massport indicate that the economic and job contribution to the state is equivalent to that of a small to medium sized software company. The offsetting costs to the economy resulting from impact on tourism, quality of life reductions, high tech company relocation, loss of natural resources, and property value reductions are completely disproportionate to the contribution.

Local News Coverage

Thanks to our communities' local news outlets, we are all able to follow the updates on the planned Hanscom Field expansion. Read what’s being reported.