Oct 2nd 2023 State House Rally

Over 240 people rallied at the State House to deliver more than 10,000 petition signatures urging Governor Healey to stop the reckless private jet hangar expansion at Hanscom or anywhere. The event was covered by the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, WGBH, WBUR, and others.

Speakers at the event included: Senator Mike Barrett, Alex Chatfield, Kalea Foo, Chuck Collins, Diane Proctor, Chris Marchi

Click to jump to: Video highlights Speech transcripts Photos

News Coverage

Study released on the day of the rally:
Hanscom High Flyers: Private Jet Excess Doesn’t Justify Airport Expansion

By the Institute of Policy Studies

See the Press Release Here

The Boston Globe highlighted our State House Rally as one of the TEN MOST POPULAR STORIES on 10/3/2023!

Coalition to Stop Private Jet Expansion at Hanscom or Anywhere, 350Mass.org, St. Anne's Lincoln Climate Justice Ministry

Concord resident and climate activist

Selected highlights from the speakers


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Provided by Bob Lawson and Mac Bonner

State Senator for 3rd Middlesex; Vice Chair, Senate Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change

Youth climate activist speaking for a livable future

Presentation of Petition Signatures

Author of report on Hanscom private jet destinations and emissions, & of May 2023 Report, High Flyers: How Ultra-Rich Private Jet Travel Costs the Rest of Us and Burns Up Our Planet

Vice President of AIR, Inc (Air Impact Relief), a Logan-area perspective
