Our 12/7/23 protest at Jeffrey Leerink’s Boston offices, 53 State Street
Dear Friends,
In this email you will find–
- Action: Tell developer Jeffrey Leerink to cancel his private jet hangar expansion plans at Hanscom
- Update on the developers' upcoming DEIR report & public comment period
- Donation request: Please make a donation of any amount to keep us going strong!
Take Action – Email & Write Developer Jeffrey Leerink
NOW, it’s time to focus the spotlight on Jeffrey Leerink,
a key developer behind this massive private jet hangar build-out. A 7/17/23 Boston Globe story hailed Leerink as Greater Boston’s Public Health and Life Sciences giant.
Learn more about Leerink here in this toolbox.
Our message to Leerink—
Choose your legacy:
Public Health or Climate Catastrophe?
In your email/letter to Leerink—
- call on Leerink to cancel his reckless expansion plans for the super-rich at the detriment of our fragile climate and public health – it’s a luxury our climate can’t afford
- challenge Leerink’s reputation as Greater Boston’s Public Health and Life Sciences champion
- urge Leerink to do the right thing: cancel his private jet expansion plans and use his property for a public health or life sciences investment
Click below for our TOOLKIT for writing to Leerink.
Update on DEIR & Public Comment Period
The developers are now expected to submit their second report, a DEIR (Draft Environmental Impact Review) to EEA Secretary Rebecca Tepper in early January. This is part of a state environmental review process conducted by MEPA (office of MA Environmental Policy Act) which began last January.
Once MEPA posts the DEIR, we’ll have to pivot quickly because the clock will start ticking on a 4-week public comment period which the Governor and our legislators will all be watching closely to gauge the breadth and depth of public opposition to this expansion. This is where you’ll come in – so stay tuned!
For more about the MEPA process, and how the DEIR fits in, click here.
Please Donate! This Campaign needs your financial support of any amount to keep going!
Our Coalition is growing continuously (now over 60 members!), and with it, our expenses.
We cannot fund lawn signs, brochures, additional staff hours and third-party independent aviation reports by grassroots power alone.
If you care about this cause,
if you want it to succeed,
if you want to stop private jet expansion to help protect our fragile climate...
Then please donate here. If ALL of us receiving this email were to donate even $20, this campaign’s financial needs for the year would be covered – and we could focus entirely on prevailing!
Private luxury jet expansion–
a luxury our climate can't afford.
We thank you for your continued interest and support in our campaign!
In Solidarity, Stop Private Jet Expansion at Hanscom or Anywhere
If you have not already, please:
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