On June 25th, MA Senate approved S2829 the important Omnibus Climate Bill that many of you have been working on. Sections 82 and 83 in the bill specifically refer to Massport and provide crucial provisions relating to the Massport 1956 Enabling Act (their charter). These provisions would update and bring the Massport charter into alignment with state climate goals and policies and require Massport activities to reflect these priorities. Without these provisions, Massport will continue to operate on the outdated and dangerous belief that aviation can grow endlessly at all costs.
On the House side, at present there is not yet a climate bill. When one materializes, if Chair Roy and House Ways & Means wish it, the Massport language could once again be an intrinsic part of the climate bill. Alternatively, a representative could offer it from the floor as an amendment to the bill, but to optimize the effectiveness of this action, the Leadership’s prior support would need to be assured. Rumor has it that the House Ways and Means Committee may release a House climate bill next Tuesday, July 10th.
The more state representatives that hear from us before then, the more likely that the Massport language will be retained!
ACTION: Before July 10th, please call or email your State Representative
– wherever you live in Mass. -- and urge them to do all they can to ensure that the Massport provisions are retained in the climate bill (in the Senate bill, these provisions are in Sections 82 & 83).
Tell them that you are calling/emailing about the Climate Bill, and that you urge your representative to ensure that Sections 82 & 83 in S2829, which pertain to Massport, be retained in the House version because these provisions would bring the Massport 1956 Enabling Act into alignment with current state climate goals and policies. Emphasize that in the absence of these provisions, Massport will continue to operate on the outdated and dangerous belief that aviation can grow endlessly regardless of MA climate goals.
Find your state representative’s contact info here and call or email today!