The June 14th deadline is fast approaching! Recognizing that not everyone has the time to craft their own comment, there are a couple of expedited ways to make your voice heard:
Summary Reporton Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAFs): "Greenwashing The Skies: How The Private Jet Lobby Uses “Sustainable Aviation Fuels” As A Marketing Ploy"
On May 1st, the National Trust for Historic Preservation designated Minute Man National Park, Walden and Nearby Landmarks as one of America’s 11 Most Endangered Places – due to the threat of private jet expansion at nearby Hanscom Field Airport.
The National Trust’s designation has raised the proposed private jet expansion at Hanscom to the level of a national issue, something that our Congressional leaders will now need to address, as well as Governor Healey. Our signatures on the National Trust’s petition will help get their attention. So, please sign& share!
Note: It’s okay to sign both our SPJE petitionand the National Trust’s petition.
We asked for the 2022 ESPR in DEIR Comments and we got it! Massport publishes an ESPR about every 5 years. Massport submitted their Hanscom 2022 Environmental Status & Planning Report to MEPA in mid-May and will be holding 2 consecutive public meetings on different chapters next week: